Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Surgery Postponed

The doctor wasn't there yesterday.
He apparently had family issues and had to leave the country.
My surgery is going to be postponed for either one to three weeks, depending on how long the doctor will be gone.

I also found this hilarious guy on youtube, his name is cr1tikal.
I don't play Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, nor do I play Xbox360 or PS3, but his videos always gets me to laugh, regardless of how bad of a mood I'm in. So yea, go check him out, channel links right here:
Cr1tikal (a.k.a. penguinz0)


  1. Sucks to read that about the surgery =(. Thanks for sharing the channel

  2. Everything will be just fine, it sucks to wait for surgery once again though. I will check the channel, thanks for sharing.
